Health Care Advocacy

Health Care Advocacy begins with an initial observation by the staff of the firm reviewing the elder’s abilities and needs for supportive care, observing family dynamics and community support.  This process provides insight and feedback to the elder and our firm assisting in the development of the best sustainable care plan for the elder.

Income & Asset Determination
Exhausting financial resources on care is often a concern for families.  Financial stress can be reduced by considering how to layer government benefits with family funds for the needed care.  Many of these programs have conflicting rules.  With accurate knowledge of the elder’s income and assets, preserving financial resources while caring for a loved one may be possible.

Legal Advice & Counsel

Our firm provides legal advice and counsel for asset protection, estate planning, incapacity planning/guardianship avoidance, prevention against estate recovery, and health care advocacy. We advise families on care contracts in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, adult family care homes, unlicensed settings, and other homes. We can pursue needed legal action such as administrative hearings and appeals if government benefits are denied.

Inform, Educate & Empower

Our firm’s goal is to improve the quality of life and quality of care for elders by empowering them to make their own choices. We prefer to place elders and their families in control through education. Most importantly, our approach lets the elder be at the center of the decision-making process.


The firm will implement a chosen care plan and guide the elder through the process. Throughout this implementation phase, multiple meetings are held to provide guidance and knowledge, and assistance to obtain all chosen financial and care goals.

Community Resources

Through the working knowledge of community organizations and providers, our firm advocates for community care services that promote a safe environment that strives to enhance the elder’s well-being. These services support independent living to provide many choices that aspire to meet the elder’s individual preferences and needs.

Consumer Directed Care

An informed, activated patient can better navigate the health and supportive care system. This knowledge helps elders and their families to advocate for better services at competitive prices. It is important to start this process early so complex medical issues and coverage can be fully understood, and care choices can be thoroughly researched and evaluated before a crisis occurs.

Quality of Care & Quality of Life

The firm strives to alleviate the stress and concerns of family regarding long-term care planning needs. Our team approach is dedicated to effectively counseling the elder and their family so care goals can be defined and reached with a high quality of life.

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