A Quiet ‘Sea Change’ in Medicare For years we have advised clients to appeal decisions that deny rehabilitation at nursing homes for those patients that have plateaued. This recent New York Times article covers last years CMS settlement over the wrongful termination of services due to a patients skill plateauing. via A Quiet ‘Sea Change’ …
Creating Public Transparency of Industry-Physician Financial Relationships The Official Website for Open Payments (Physician Payments Sunshine Act) via Open Payments – Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Fine print: State can seize your assets to pay for care after you’re forced into Medicaid by Obamacare « Hot Air.
The new funding formula was a little-known part of Florida’s 2011 Medicaid reform law, a Republican-driven overhaul of the state and federal insurance program for the poor. The provision was intended to make the distribution of an estimated $1 billion a year in federal Medicaid matching funds more equitable. But its unintended consequences are now …
GOP obstruction of Obamacare is closing hospitals via Opinion: GOP fight with Obamacare is closing hospitals – CNN.com.
Bloomberg News talks about how the Affordable Care Act impacts Medicaid Hospital Grants. Without adoption of the Affordable Care Act Hospitals in states such as Florida will not have access to federal grants to pay for those who can not pay. States like Florida are at major risk of small rural hospitals closing. However few …
Book review: ‘Reinventing American Health Care’ by Ezekiel Emanuel By Amanda Bennett, Published: March 14 Amanda Bennett is the author of “The Cost of Hope,” about her late husband’s journey through the health-care maze. Early in his new book, “Reinventing American Health Care,” Ezekiel Emanuel pictures the late senator Arlen Specter (Pa.) holding up an incomprehensible chart of the …
The VA has accumulated a massive backlog of claims waiting to be processed, which it managed to trim from 600,000 to 400,000 – a still startling number – from March to November 2013. Obama announced that “slashing that backlog” was a White House priority in his 2014 State of the Union address, and his proposed …
Florida is a million miles from Medicaid expansion – Orlando Sentinel. Despite an influx of federal dollars, the State of Florida continues to turn away 7 million dollars a day in Medicaid funding.